What Happens If I Am In An Accident On A Public Bus In Vegas?
Buses are a resource that some of us could not live without. For drivers and non-drivers alike, buses are a convenient and cheap method of transportation, especially in a location like Las Vegas, with lots of tourists on the road. Without easy access to public transportation, the chances are that inexperienced visiting drivers would cause more accidents on our roads.
That said, buses aren’t entirely safe from traffic accidents. According to the most recent statistical data, around 283 people are killed on buses each year, with an astounding 24,000 additional passengers sustaining injuries. These numbers seem surprisingly high until you consider that there are approximately 30,000 commercial buses on America’s roads, transporting nearly 360 million people annually.
Despite the risks of a public transportation injury, few people know what to do after a bus accident. We’re far more likely to understand the importance of hiring an accident attorney in Las Vegas for a car accident than we are of taking the correct steps after a bus accident. And yet, the complex legal issues involved in public transportation cases makes knowledge even more important.