7 Situations When a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You
You’ve been in an accident -- at work, on the road, in a store -- and you know it wasn’t your fault. Someone else was the reason you’re hurt, not working, and racking up medical bills. So you follow the rules you’re given: you file a claim, send in the paperwork, and wait. But the response you get back is laughable if you ever hear back. What should you do?
If you’re in an accident and you’re not a fault, you may need a personal injury lawyer to help you out. Here are some signs it’s time to make the call.
The Insurance Company Doesn’t Help

After an
auto accident, you expect the insurance companies to sort it out and pay for the damage and medical expenses. It’s why everyone is supposed to have insurance. When you’re hurt on the job, workers compensation is supposed to take care of you until you can get back to work.
Insurance companies aren’t in the business of helping people. They exist to make money so they look for ways not to pay a claim. When you’re getting the run-around or not hearing back, it’s time to call a personal injury attorney so you have someone on your side.
Low Settlement Offer
At the very least, the settlement or insurance payout offer you receive should pay your existing medical bills, replace your damaged property, and make you whole again for any lost income or other damage. But that’s not what usually happens.
If you receive an offer of settlement that’s laughably low or doesn’t address any future expenses you’re going to face, you don’t have to take it. Instead, contact a lawyer who will be on your side and help you get the compensation you’re owed.

After an accident, you might not think about calling a personal injury lawyer, but maybe the other side called their attorney first. You receive an intimidating letter or phone call and don’t know what to do or how to handle it. Before you respond, get your own lawyer so you
don’t have to face this alone.
There’s nothing wrong with the other party working with an attorney. They want to protect themselves from as much liability as possible. But you may not know your rights or how the process work which means it’s time to find a
car accident lawyer in Las Vegas to fight for you.
No One is Taking Responsibility
You know you didn’t cause the accident. There’s no doubt in your mind that another party is responsible for your injuries or damages. But no one is taking responsibility, and they’re all passing the buck. It’s frustrating and can be financially devastating for you.
Big companies and other insurance companies might think they can avoid you, but they can’t avoid the legal system. You need someone on your side to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
Alcohol was Involved

It’s bad enough to be the victim of an accident. They can happen to anyone at any time, but when
alcohol is involved, it’s even worse. It means your injuries, damage, and lost wages didn’t have to happen.
If you suspect that the other party who caused your injuries was under the influence, call a personal injury attorney immediately. The insurance company will have a hard time explaining away responsibility once they realize that alcohol played a role.
The Accident was Caused by a Defect
A lot of factors can create a situation for an accident or injury. It doesn’t matter if you’re at work, in your car, or walking down a sidewalk. When one of those factors is a
defective product or system, liability is now a very big issue. It can mean that more than one party is responsible for your injuries.
When you think that a product or equipment defect may have played a part in your accident, talk to a personal injury lawyer. Your case may be bigger than you realize, and you may even prevent future accidents.
You Become Permanently Disabled

Any injuries from an accident can be devastating, in the short term or long term. But being permanently disabled can change the entire course of your life and cause immediate and permanent harm to your finances and future security.
You’re going to have to live with the outcome of this accident for the rest of your life. You shouldn’t have to pay for it as well.
Find a good personal injury attorney to fight for you to help you get the justice you deserve.
Every accident is a little different. Some companies will do right by you as the victim and take responsibility for their actions. But not every
personal injury attorney will, and many will fight tooth and nail to avoid paying a dime. When you find yourself faced with any of these situations,
you need someone to fight for you. Contact Ed Bernstein and Associates or call us today and let us help you get the compensation you deserve.
Edward M. Bernstein, Esq. is the owner and founding partner of Edward M. Bernstein & Associates, and one of the most recognizable figures in Nevada. Ed is one of state’s premier personal injury attorneys and has hosted The Ed Bernstein Show for over 31 years. He has served the Las Vegas community for decades with dozens of community appointments and terms of service. In the year 2000, he was Nevada’s Democratic nominee for the United States Senate.
Ed received his B.A. from Long Island University in 1971 and his J.D. from Widener University in 1975. Since then, Ed’s professional accolades include numerous publications, honors and awards, court appointments, and has been named one of America’s Top 100 High Stakes Litigators.