Casino resorts offer their guests a wealth of diversions and amenities. Table games, sports books, and slots attract many visitors to a casino. But these days, so do offerings like shopping, dining, shows, clubs, spas, and pools (to name just a few). But no one visits a casino expecting to fall victim to a crime or dangerous incident. When that happens—and it’s more common than you might think—the guest who suffered harm may have the right to sue the casino and others for their negligent failure to provide adequate security. Here’s an overview of what’s involved in filing a lawsuit due to negligent security at a casino and how an experienced premises liability lawyer or an hotel and casino accident attorney can get you compensation.
The Casino’s Duty to Keep You Safe

- Exclude or remove disruptive or dangerous individuals from their premises.
- Staff public areas, including the casino floors, pool decks, and event spaces, with adequate security personnel to maintain control and safety at all times.
- Install, maintain, and operate video security systems that monitor guests and employees.
- Train personnel to spot and respond to dangerous conditions or individuals.
- Screen employees and contractors for potential security risks.
- Give guests accessible means to alert security staff to dangerous conditions or individuals.
- Respond promptly to emergency or dangerous situations.
- Keep track of security incidents and report them to law enforcement as appropriate or required by law.
- Create and implement responsible crowd control measures.
- Keep indoor and outdoor areas adequately lighted, including parking lots and stairways.
- Install and maintain working locks on hotel room doors.
- Post adequate emergency exit signage.
- Keep emergency exits clear of obstructions.
What Can Go Wrong When a Casino’s Security Falls Short
Casinos that fail to provide adequate security measures like the ones listed above put you at risk of suffering severe physical, emotional, and financial harm. A casino’s negligent security practices could lead to potentially devastating incidents such as:- Physical or sexual assaults by other guests or casino workers.
- Having someone spike or drug your drink.
- Drowning or nearly drowning in a crowded or unmonitored hotel pool.
- Drunk driving accidents in casino parking lots or on roads or paths maintained by the casino.
- Getting mugged anywhere on casino property.
- Shootings or stampedes at crowded casino nightclubs or events.
- Theft of property from your room or your person while on casino property.
- Falling prey to con artists or gaming cheats.
Suing a Casino and Others for Negligent Security
If you or someone close to you suffered injuries or losses in any mishap that a casino reasonably should have prevented or kept you safe, you might have the right to sue the casino and others for monetary damages. An experienced premises liability lawyer can handle the entire process of pursuing the lawsuit for negligent casino security on your behalf. A lawyer works to identify the parties who may owe you damages and to prove their liability for the full scope of loss you’ve sustained.Who Owes You Damages?
Legal liability for the harm you suffered because of a casino’s negligent security can fall on multiple parties. You might have the right to sue:- The casino owner or operator ultimately responsible for the negligent security situation
- A specific casino employee or contractor who negligently put you in harm’s way or failed to protect you
- A casino guest who engaged in the harmful conduct a casino should have prevented
- A drunk driver who caused a crash on the casino premises, or the driver’s employer
- A manufacturer of casino-supplied safety equipment that failed to function as needed to prevent you from suffering harm
What Damages Can You Claim?
As the victim of negligent security at a casino, you may have the right to claim monetary damages for the full range of harm you’ve suffered. A liable party may have a legal obligation to pay for your:- Medical expenses related to treating any physical or emotional injuries you suffered
- The cost of repairing or replacing damaged or lost personal property
- Other expenditures you’ve had to make because of the negligent security incident or your injuries
- Lost income and benefits from missing work because of the harm you suffered
- Future loss of income or earning potential due to a disabling injury or condition
- Physical pain and discomfort from an injury or medical treatment
- Emotional suffering and distress due to the incident
- Loss of independence or quality of life
- Scars or disfigurement due to your injury
It Might Not Be Necessary to File a Lawsuit for Negligent Security
Obtaining compensation for the harm you suffered because of negligent security at a casino doesn’t always require filing a lawsuit. An experienced casino premises liability attorney can sometimes convince the at-fault party or insurance company to settle your claim without first taking it to court. A settlement is an agreement between the parties to a legal dispute to resolve their differences out of court. In a typical settlement, the injured casino guest receives a payment in exchange for releasing the paying party from further liability. Casinos, in particular, may have a strong incentive to settle negligent security claims. Lawsuits against casinos generate negative publicity, which can drive away guests and hurt their bottom line. Of course, that’s not always the case. Sometimes a casino or other potentially liable will prefer to fight a claim for damages arising from negligent security. In those situations, a lawyer may advise you that the best course of action involves suing in court.What a Lawyer Can Do for You
You can’t hope to receive full compensation for losses you suffered due to negligent casino security without hiring an experienced casino premises liability lawyer. Pursuing a claim for negligent security against a casino can be a complicated and labor-intensive exercise. A lawyer knows how to handle all aspects of that process on your behalf, maximizing your chances of winning and getting paid in full for your losses. A casino premises liability lawyer might decide to take various steps to get you compensation. No matter what, however, the lawyer always has a duty to represent your and your interests alone in your negligent casino security case. The right lawyer for you will, for example:- Investigate the negligent security incident to determine precisely how it happened and who should be held accountable.
- Communicate on your behalf with law enforcement and other official investigators looking into the incident.
- Handle all dealings on your behalf with insurance companies and the media.
- Advise you about medical, financial, or life decisions you may need to make that could affect your rights.
- Answer your questions and explain your options in plain English (or Español).
- Gather evidence to prove who had liability and how much you deserve in damages.
- Prepare and file lawsuits or insurance claims seeking payment for your losses.
- Negotiate potential settlements with casino operators, defense lawyers, or insurance adjusters.
- Guide you in your decision on whether to accept or reject a settlement offer.
- Take your case to trial and get the best possible result from a judge or jury.
- Collect all money owed to you from insurance companies and liable parties .
Protect Your Rights as a Victim of Negligent Security at a Casino
The most effective way to ensure you receive the maximum payment available for your losses is to connect with an experienced lawyer immediately to discuss your rights to sue for negligent security at a casino. The sooner you have a lawyer on your side fighting to get you paid, the better your odds of making a successful claim for negligent security at a casino. Having a lawyer also protects you against making costly mistakes or missing critical deadlines. Your actions, however, can also play a role in protecting your legal rights. Consider following these tips to put yourself in the best position to claim maximum damages.Seek Appropriate Medical or Mental Health Care
Prioritize your health and well-being after suffering harm due to negligent casino security. Seek appropriate medical or mental health care as soon as possible. Do this even if you think you’re okay. Some physical and emotional traumas don’t necessarily show symptoms you can recognize easily. Let a qualified doctor or healthcare professional examine you and begin treating any conditions caused by what happened at the casino. Seeking care also protects your legal rights. A lawyer can often use your treatment records to support your claim for monetary damages. And those records protect you from accusations that you failed to care for yourself after the casino incident.Do Not Agree to Quick or Informal Settlements or Payments In-Kind
A casino or other party may face significant financial liability for the harm you suffered due to negligent security. That’s money they’d prefer not to pay. They may instead offer you a quick cash payment or free casino-related perks (like room stays, meals, chips, or event tickets) to make things right. Do not agree to those proposals, and never sign anything related to them without first consulting with an experienced lawyer. It may seem like good customer service for a casino to offer you cash or freebies to say, “we’re sorry.” But the value of those offers will inevitably fall far below the amount you have the legal right to claim as damages. And if you take them, you could unknowingly give up your right to sue for additional compensation later. Talk to a lawyer first.Contact an Experienced Casino Premises Liability Lawyer Today