What is the problem?
Two weeks ago, the F.D.A. warned that prescription and over-the-counter versions of Zantac (Ranitidine) have tested positive for potentially harmful chemical contaminants. The chemical known as NDMA is classified as a probable human carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). Although pharmacies like CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens are suspending sales of the popular product, the F.D.A. has not yet advised consumers to stop using the medications. The F.D.A. is still investigating the source of the contamination and whether the higher levels found in the medications create a health risk. While the administration has not issued an official recall of the product, they are advising patients using the medication to speak with their physicians. They also advise those who take over-the-counter versions to consider switching to a different medication, like Pepcid or Tagamet, that do not contain Ranitidine.What is NDMA?
N-nitrosodimethylamine, or NDMA is an environmental contaminant found in water as well as meat and vegetables. Exposure to high concentrations is thought to cause gastric or colorectal cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The contaminant can also be extremely toxic to the liver and even small amounts can be linked to liver damage. Once used to make rocket fuel, today the chemical is used for research purposes only in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. It is a byproduct of many manufacturing processes and can be unintentionally created by the chlorination of drinking and wastewater as well. Classified as a probable human carcinogen based on lab reports, this is not the first time NDMA has been detected in a common medication. Since last year, the F.D.A. has been investigating NDMA and other impurities in blood pressure and heart failure medications. Numerous recalls have been launched as they have uncovered “unacceptable levels” of nitrosamines in several of those commonly used drugs.Possible Effects of NDMA:
- Stomach Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Esophageal Cancer
- Liver Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer