A motorcycle accident can cause devastating, often life-changing, injuries in the blink of an eye. Motorcyclists have little protection in a collision, putting them at risk of severe and fatal injuries.
Injured bikers frequently contend with extreme pain and devastating financial losses—all because someone else made a dangerous decision that put them in harm’s way.
Did you or someone you love suffer injuries in a motorcycle accident? Our Henderson motorcycle accident lawyers at Edward Bernstein and Associates can evaluate your case and explain your rights to seek compensation through a lawsuit or insurance claim.
Contact us today for a free consultation with a Henderson motorcycle accident lawyer.
Henderson Motorcycle Accident Guide
- Compensation for Injuries
- Protecting Your Rights
- Contact an Experienced Henderson Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer Today
Seasoned Motorcycle Injury Lawyers

Edward Bernstein and Associates is an award-winning team of attorneys with more than 42 years of experience handling motorcycle accident claims in the greater Las Vegas area.
Our lawyers understand the stress and disruption motorcycle accident injuries can bring into your life and fight to get you the money you need to pay your bills, heal from your trauma, and get back out on the road whenever possible.
Experience and Know-How
Injured bikers deserve to have skilled lawyers in their corner—advocates who know how to win motorcycle accident injury claims no matter how big of a fight it takes.
At Edward Bernstein and Associates, we use our decades of experience to help you. We have a long track record of getting results for injured bikers and for families of riders who died in tragic, preventable crashes.
Ease of Access
We aim to make it as easy for injured motorcyclists in Nevada to get the legal help they need. We offer 24-7 phone access and online chat for anyone who has suffered harm in a wreck and wants to learn about their rights.
Our team is also standing by to meet with you in person or by video at your convenience, even if we need to come to your home or hospital room.
When you need a motorcycle accident injury lawyer in Henderson, remember four simple words: Enough Said. Call Ed.
Compensation for Henderson Motorcycle Accident Injuries
According to the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), thousands of motorcycle accidents occur every year in and around Henderson. Bikers suffer injuries in most of those crashes.
Many get badly hurt, and some die from serious injuries such as:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Neck and back injury
- Spinal cord injuries
- Facial injuries
- Amputations and crushed limbs
- Broken bones and orthopedic trauma
- Road rash
- Severe lacerations
- Internal organ damage
It’s common for injured motorcycle accident victims and families of bikers killed in crashes to have questions about their rights to compensation for their losses. How much money can you receive?
Who pays for it? The answers to these questions tend to depend on the specifics of your case. Here’s an overview.
Your Rights to Compensation
Motorcycle accidents in Henderson can occur in several ways, but a common thread through many of them is that the injured biker did nothing wrong.
Instead, many motorcycle crashes happen because of someone else’s careless or reckless actions.
For instance:
- Distracted drivers let their attention wander when sharing the road with a motorcyclist, leading to a collision.
- Left-turning drivers who fail to yield to oncoming motorcyclists and turn into their path, causing a crash.
- Alcohol or drug-impaired drivers who put everyone on the road at risk.
- Aggressive drivers who endanger bikers by speeding, tailgating, or passing too close.
- Civil engineers and city road departments that fail to design, build, or maintain streets and intersections to be safe for motorcycle riding.
Under Nevada law, you have the right to claim compensation from anyone whose wrongful actions caused your motorcycle wreck in Henderson.
Depending on the circumstances, that could be an individual, business, or government entity, like the examples above. Multiple parties could share liability for your damages, too.
At Edward Bernstein and Associates, we work to identify every party that may owe you compensation and hold them fully accountable for the harm you suffered.
Who pays your damages?
Anyone who has a liability to you for your injuries and losses typically has a legal duty to pay for the harm you suffered. Most often, the party at fault will carry liability insurance coverage that can be used to pay for at least some of your medical bills and losses.
The at-fault party could also have assets to pay you and insurance coverage. The Edward Bernstein and Associates team carefully evaluates the amount of insurance or other financial resources available to pay your damages.
Then, we fight to secure maximum payment from every source, whenever possible, through insurance claims, lawsuits, and other legal actions.
How much compensation can you claim?
Nevada law usually entitles you to claim compensation for all harm you suffered in your Henderson motorcycle accident.
Lawyers and insurance companies separate those damages into two broad categories: economic and non-economic.
Economic damages consist of all direct financial impacts of your motorcycle accident injuries.
Many injured bikers can claim economic damages that include:
- Medical expenses for treating accident-related injuries and health complications
- The costs of goods and services related to living with or adapting to injuries, such as in-home care or childcare help.
- The cost of repairing or replacing a damaged motorcycle and other property;
- Lost income from missing work while injured;
- Loss of future earning ability if injuries prevent a return to work;
- Loss of employment benefits, if any; and
- The value of paid time off used while missing work.
Generally speaking, the more severe your injuries, the greater your economic damages. At Edward Bernstein and Associates, we work to gather detailed evidence of the financial impact of your motorcycle crash injuries to force the at-fault party to cover as many of your expenses as possible.
Non-economic damages consist of every other adverse effect your Henderson motorcycle accident injuries have had on your life.
You may have the right to claim compensation for non-economic damages like:
- The physical pain and discomfort of your injuries;
- Any emotional suffering or mental health challenges due to your injuries;
- Disruption of your day-to-day life;
- Loss of enjoyment of activities;
- Interference with your personal and intimate relationships;
- Difficulties caused by scarring or disfigurement you suffered.
The Edward Bernstein and Associates team takes the time to understand these non-financial impacts of a crash on your life.
The compensation we can seek on behalf of injured bikers can’t remove their pain and suffering, but it can give them critical support in healing from trauma and move on with their lives.
Protecting Your Rights After a Henderson Motorcycle Accident

You may need to act carefully after getting hurt in a Henderson motorcycle accident to protect your right to compensation.
Consider following these tips to give yourself the best chance of holding at-fault parties and insurance companies accountable for your damages.
Seek Medical Attention Immediately
Never shrug off aches and pains after a Henderson motorcycle crash. Some significant, potentially life-threatening trauma can seem like nothing more than a minor injury.
But if you don’t seek care, your condition could rapidly worsen and cause extreme and permanent damage.
Seeking medical attention protects you against that outcome. It also safeguards your legal rights by creating medical records of your injuries and how they happened, which can serve as helpful evidence in a compensation claim.
Be Cautious in Dealing Directly With Insurance Adjusters
You may need to contact your own insurance company after a motorcycle wreck in Henderson to let them know what happened.
If so, keep it short and sweet. Don’t get drawn into a discussion of who was at fault or what you could have done to avoid getting hurt.
Questions along those lines are red flags that your insurance company is looking for ways to avoid paying you the benefits you deserve.
If someone else’s insurance company contacts you, be doubly cautious. Liability insurance companies are known to try aggressively to limit their financial exposure for your damages.
An adjuster may ask you to give a recorded statement or offer a quick cash settlement of your claim. Say “no” to these advances—they’re designed to trick you into saying or agreeing to something that damages your rights.
The easiest way to avoid dealing with insurance is to hire an experienced Henderson motorcycle accident injury lawyer immediately.
Once a lawyer represents you, insurance companies must stop trying to contact you directly and can only speak with your attorney.
Don’t Sit on Your Rights
Nevada law gives you at most two years, and potentially as little as a few months, to take legal action seeking compensation for your Henderson motorcycle accident injuries.
If you miss a legal deadline, you could lose your rights completely and not have the money you need to pay your expenses.
Contacting an experienced motorcycle accident attorney at Edward Bernstein and Associates is easy and comes with no obligation on your part.
In a free consultation, a team member can learn about your crash and help you understand your options for seeking payment from at-fault parties and insurance companies.
Henderson Motorcycle Accident FAQ
The FAQs below may answer pressing questions about your Henderson motorcycle accident injury claim. But if you don’t see the answers you’re looking for, contact one of our Henderson motorcycle accident attorneys at Edward Bernstein and Associates. We’re available 24/7.
Can I claim compensation if I did not wear a helmet when I got hurt in a Henderson motorcycle crash?
Nevada law requires motorcycle riders and passengers to wear helmets at all times. Helmets protect you from severe brain injuries and have been proven time and again to save bikers’ lives in a crash.
But that doesn’t mean you lose your rights if you didn’t wear a helmet when you got into a Henderson bike wreck.
If someone else caused your accident, you can still claim compensation for your injuries. Contact us at Edward Bernstein and Associates to learn more—we have the skills and resources to handle even the most challenging motorcycle accident cases.
I didn’t get medical care immediately after my motorcycle accident in Henderson, but I just learned I sustained a serious injury. Can I still seek compensation?
There’s a good chance you can. As we explained above, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to protect your health and legal rights.
However, a skilled motorcycle accident injury lawyer can usually still pursue compensation if you only sought medical help after discovering your injury. Contact the Edward Bernstein and Associates team today to explore your options.
How much does it cost to hire your Henderson motorcycle accident lawyers?
In most cases, it doesn’t cost you anything unless the lawyer wins for you.
First, experienced motorcycle crash lawyers offer free consultations. You’ll never have to pay Edward Bernstein and Associates a penny for your initial meeting with us—not even if you decide we’re not the right lawyers for you.
Second, nearly all motorcycle accident injury lawyers—Edward Bernstein and Associates included—represent their clients on contingency.
That means we don’t charge upfront fees or bill our clients by the hour. Instead, we only collect a payment out of the money we secure from at-fault parties or insurance companies on your behalf.
You don't owe us anything if we don’t get you results.

Contact an Experienced Henderson Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer Today
If you or someone you love suffered injuries in a Henderson, Nevada, motorcycle accident, you may have the right to claim significant financial compensation.
But time is not on your side. A lawyer may need to act quickly to protect your rights.
So, don’t wait to talk to an experienced Henderson personal injury lawyer about your case. For a free consultation with a knowledgeable legal professional, contact us at Edward Bernstein and Associates online or call our office at (702) 728-4137.