Las Vegas U-Turn Accident Lawyer

If you get into a car accident involving a U-turn in Las Vegas, you may need an attorney to help you navigate the claims process. Determining and proving fault for a U-turn accident can be difficult. An experienced car accident lawyer can help you fight for fair financial compensation for your injuries, medical expenses and property damage. 

What Is a U-Turn?

A U-turn is a driving maneuver where a driver turns all the way around (180 degrees) to drive in the opposite direction of travel, forming the shape of the letter “U.” This may be done at an intersection from a left-hand turn lane, in designated U-turn lanes or bays, or in the middle of the road, if it is safe to do so.

Whether or not a U-turn is deemed legal depends on where, when and how it is performed. Nevada Revised Statute §484B.403 describes where U-turns are authorized and where they are prohibited, and imposes penalties for those who break the law.

In Nevada, a driver can make a U-turn anywhere it is safe to do so, with the following exceptions:

  • Any area with a sign prohibiting U-turns
  • On divided highways
  • In school zones
  • In business districts, unless there is an appropriate opening
  • If the driver cannot see at least 500 feet in front of and behind his or her vehicle (e.g., on a curve)

Making an illegal U-turn in Las Vegas could cause a serious accident, such as a T-bone collision, rear-end crash, head-on collision, or bicycle or pedestrian accident. These accidents can cause severe injuries, including broken bones, brain injuries and spinal cord injuries.

Common Causes of U-Turn Accidents in Las Vegas

U-turns can be executed safely in Las Vegas if the driver pays attention, checks adequately for oncoming vehicles and obeys all applicable traffic laws. Unfortunately, many drivers in Nevada are guilty of careless and reckless behaviors that increase the odds of U-turn accidents. 

A U-turn accident can happen when a driver performs this maneuver illegally or in an unsafe place, fails to yield to oncoming traffic, misjudges a gap in traffic or the time it will take to complete the turn, tries to make a U-turn with poor visibility, or makes a U-turn while speeding.

Determining Liability in U-Turn Accidents

Fault for a U-turn accident will depend on the circumstances, such as whether the turning driver was in the right at the time of the accident or making the turn unsafely. Under Nevada’s at-fault insurance law, determining the cause of a U-turn accident is necessary before a claim can be filed, as the claim will go to the insurance provider of the at-fault driver. 

How a U-Turn Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas Can Help

Proving that someone else is at fault for your U-turn accident may require help from an experienced car accident lawyer. A lawyer can visit the scene of your crash to investigate and gather evidence, such as pictures, surveillance footage and witness statements. Then, your lawyer can submit this evidence to an insurance company or the courts to support your claim.

Edward Bernstein and Associates has almost 50 years of experience in car accident law. Our lawyers will make sure you have everything you need to recover physically, emotionally and financially from a U-turn accident as much as possible. Contact us online or call (702) 240-0000 today for a free case evaluation.