Sample Test Answers
This sample test answers are brought to you by Edward M Bernstein and Associates personal injury law firm in Las Vegas. This page is published for educational purposes.
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1. When you come to a corner with a stop sign, you should first stop:
A. Far enough to see cross trafficB. After crossing a crosswalk or limit line- C. In back of the crosswalk or limit line
2. This sign means:

A. Don’t pass unless it is safe to do so- B. There is a passing lane ahead
C. Be prepared for vehicles passing you
3. U-turns in residential districts are legal:
- A. When there are no vehicles approaching nearby
B. Across two sets of solid double yellow linesC. On a one-way street at a green arrow
4. If your driving privilege has been revoked, you may:
A. Drive only in an emergencyB. Still drive to and from work or school- C. Not drive in this state with any license or permit
D. Drive only in the presence of a licensed parent or guardian
5. If another driver “cuts” in front of you, it would be better if you:
- A. Take your foot off the gas
B. Brake suddenlyC. Accelerate to avoid being cut of
6. You must stop for a school bus with flashing red lights if:
A. You are following the busB. You are in an oncoming lane of an undivided roadC. You are in an oncoming lane of a multilane road with a median- D. A and B above
7. When driving at night using high-beams, dim your lights when you are within
____ ft of a vehicle travelling in your direction.
- A. 300
B. 400C. 200
8. This sign means:

A. Bridge Ahead- B. Right lane ends
C. Soft shoulderD. Divided Highway Ends
9. If you want to park downhill and there is no curb, which way do you turn your front wheels?
A. Towards the roadB. Parallel to the road- C. Towards the side of the road
10. This sign means that you should not pass:

- A. Other vehicles for any reason
B. Unless it seems safe to do soC. Until after you pass the sign
11. Driving under the influence of any drug which makes you drive unsafely is:
A. Permitted if a doctor or nurse administered itB. Permitted if it is a diet pill or cold medicine- C. Against the law
12. If your car has air bags, you should use your seatbelt:
A. Only on the freeway- B. At all times
C. Unless you are driving within city limits
13. You must file a traffic accident report if someone is injured or if a vehicle damage is:
A. $550 or more- B. $750 or more
C. $650 or moreD. $850 or more
14. While all of the following are dangerous to do while driving, which is also illegal?
A. Reading a road map- B. Listening to music through a set of dual headphones
C. Adjusting your outside mirrors
15. You are in a truck’s blind spot if:
A. You stay close to the vehicle’s left front wheelB. You follow no closer than 12 ft- C. You can’t see the truck driver in his or her side mirror
16. This sign means:

A. Wet paint on linesB. Winding road- C. Slippery when wet
D. Fresh tar
17. The speed limit posted on a road is 55 MPH. When the road is wet:
A. Drive 20 to 25 mph under the speed limit- B. Drive 5 to 10 mph under the speed limit
C. Maintain a 55 mph speed limit
18. You are stopped in an intersection waiting to complete a left turn. Your front wheels should point:
A. Slightly rightB. LeftC. Slightly left- D. Straight ahead
19. Where should you start making a U-turn when driving on a divided street with multiple lanes in your direction?
A. On the shoulder- B. In the left lane
C. In the median
20. Which of these is recommended for driving at night on a dimly lit street?
A. Keep instrument lights bright to be more visible to other driversB. Briefly look at oncoming headlights so you won’t be blinded- C. Drive slow enough to stop within the area lit by your headlights
21. The only sure way to reduce the body’s BAC and the degree of impairment is to:
- A. Wait the necessary time the body needs to eliminate the alcohol
B. Handle a sudden emergencyC. Consume several cups of black coffeeD. Take a cold shower
22. When you are driving in the left lane of a four-lane freeway and wish to exit on the right, you should:
A. Carefully cross all the lanes at one time- B. Change lanes one at a time until you are in the proper lane
C. Slow before beginning each lane change
23. If a car ahead of you has stopped at a crosswalk, you should:
- A. Stop and then proceed when safe
B. Change lanes, look carefully, and passC. Slow down, look both ways, and proceedD. Drive to the right edge of the road and stop
24. A sign of this shape means:

- A. School or school crossing
B. Fire station aheadC. One-way streetD. Pedestrian crossing ahead
25. Orange colored signs and flags mean that you must be alert for:
A. Road closures- B. Changed road conditions and/or road workers
C. Speed zonesD. High occupancy lanes
26. When comparing the alcohol content of typical servings of beer (12oz), wine (5 oz), and mixed drinks (1 ½ oz), there is:
- A. About the same amount of alcohol in each
B. Much less alcohol in the beerC. Much less alcohol in the wineD. Much more alcohol in the mixed drinks
27. Before getting out of your parked car on the traffic side of the street, you should:
- A. Check traffic coming from behind before opening the door
B. Open your door so the other vehicles will stop and let you outC. Give a hand and arm signal for a left turn
28. When parked on any hill, you should always set your parking brake and:
- A. Place your engine gear into the parked position
B. Keep your front wheels parallel to the roadC. Leave your vehicle in neutral
29. When sharing the road with a tractor-trailer or bus you need to:
A. Understand it takes more time and space for them to slow down and stopB. Remember that these vehicles have larger blind spots than autosC. Signal for turns and lanes changes well in advance- D. All of the above
30. Nevada has set the level of intoxication at a BAC of:
- A. .08 percent
B. .10 percentC. 1.0 percentD. 1.1 percent
31. This sign means:

A. Parking is allowed for unloading passengers only- B. Parking is for disabled persons with a placard or special plates
C. Parking is for drivers who have a letter from their physician
32. This sign means:

A. Business district ahead- B. Divided highway ahead
C. Obstructed roadway ahead
33. You are driving on a two-way street and want to turn left at the corner. Give the right-of-way to:
A. Pedestrians on the sidewalk waiting for a WALK signalB. Vehicles stopped at the red light- C. Any vehicle coming towards you
34. Orange construction signs warn you:
- A. Of workers and road equipment ahead
B. That there are drivers services aheadC. Of an accident ahead
35. A flashing red light at an intersection means:
A. The light is changing to green- B. Stop and yield to other traffic, then go when clear
C. Slow and yield to other traffic, then go when clearD. Other traffic must yield to you
36. Other drivers are not making room for you to merge onto a freeway with heavy traffic. If it is absolutely necessary, you may:
A. Make room by forcing yourself into a small gap- B. Stop before merging with freeway traffic
C. Drive onto a freeway should until a gap appears
37. When a red light flashes at a railroad crossing, you must:
A. Stop only if you see a train comingB. Stop 10 ft behind the signal- C. Stop and then proceed when safe
D. Slow down before crossing
38. If you see orange construction signs and cones on a freeway, you must:
A. Change lanes and maintain your current speed- B. Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead
C. Slow down because the lane ends ahead
39. Drivers are allowed to turn right on a red light under what conditions?
A. After a complete stopB. After yielding to pedestrians and vehiclesC. Right turns on red are not allowed- D. Both A and B
40. When you are towing a trailer:
A. You must not drive faster than 45 mph- B. The trailer must not swerve from side to side at any speed
41. Blocking an intersection during “rush hour” traffic is:
A. Not permitted unless some of the cross traffic can get around you- B. Not permitted under any circumstances
C. Not permitted unless you have the right-of-way
42. When a yellow arrow appears as you wait in a dedicated right turn lane, you should:
- A. Be prepared to obey the next signal that appears
B. Check for pedestrians and then turn with cautionC. Stop and do not make the turn under any circumstances
43. An orange warning sign means:
- A. Construction zone
B. No passingC. Road closedD. Expressway ahead
44. Yellow lines separate:
- A. Traffic lanes moving in opposite directions
B. Traffic lanes on one-way streetsC. Railroad trucks
45. You must not cross a double line to pass another vehicle if the line on your side:
A. Is a broken yellow one- B. Is a solid or double solid yellow one
C. Has double raised yellow dotsD. Is none of the above
46. What should you do if your engine stalls while you are driving?
A. Hold your steering wheel tightly (power steering is difficult)B. Shift your transmission to neutralC. Try to re-start; if unable, stop off road, using four-way flashers- D. All of the above
47. Headlights on a moving vehicle must be turned on:
- A. No more than 30 minutes after sunset
B. At sundownC. At least 60 minutes before sundownD. None of the above
48. You are required to wear your safety belt in a moving vehicle:
A. Unless you are riding in the back of a pickup/camper- B. If your vehicle is equipped with safety belts
C. Unless your vehicle was manufactured before 1975
49. It is illegal to enter an intersection when:
A. The light is yellow- B. You can’t get all the way across before the light turns red
C. The light is flashing yellow and you didn’t stop first
50. A lane in the middle of a two-way road that has dashed lines on both sides and two large curved arrows facing each other may be used for:

A. Making right or left turns- B. Beginning or ending left turns
C. Passing slow vehicles
51. If you are unable to see the road ahead while driving through heavy rain or fog, and your wipers do not help, you should:
A. Turn on your high-beams and continue driving- B. Pull off the road completely until visibility improves
C. Slow down and continue driving
52. When using high-beams at night you must change to low-beams at least how many feet before any oncoming vehicle:
A. 400- B. 500
C. 600D. 700
53. You are waiting at a red light to turn right, and a pedestrian on your right is waiting to cross the street you want to enter. Who has the right-of-way when your light turns green?
- A. The pedestrian has the right-of-way
B. You have the right-of-way only if the crosswalk is not markedC. You have the right-of-way because your light is green
54. Which of these is true about other drivers:
A. Drivers always obey traffic signs and signalsB. Drivers using turn signals always turn in the direction indicated- C. Never assume other drivers will give you the right-of-way
55. If you are stopped, intending to turn left, but oncoming vehicles are approaching, you should:
A. Turn immediately if there are no pedestrians nearby- B. Give the oncoming vehicles the right-of-way
C. Turn because you have the right-of-way
56. If two vehicles reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, who should yield?
A. The driver on the right- B. The driver on the left
C. The driver on the north-south streetD. The driver on the east-west street
57. Accidents are more likely to happen:
A. On city streets during rush hour trafficB. On multi-lane freewaysC. On bridges and overpasses- D. When one driver is traveling faster or slower than other drivers on the road
58. When planning to pass other vehicles, you should:
A. Assume they will maintain a constant speedB. Assume they will let you pass if you use your turn signal- C. Not assume they will make space for you to return to your lane
59. What should you do if you are driving and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you?
- A. Drive to the right edge of the road and stop
B. Speed up to clear trafficC. Stay in your lane but slow down
60. For city driving, at what distance before a turn is a driver required to signal?
A. 200 feet- B. 100 feet
C. 50 feetD. None of the above
61. To prevent skidding on slippery surfaces, you should:
A. Step sharply on the brakes to slow down quickly- B. Avoid quick stops
C. Follow in the tracks of the vehicle in front of youD. Aim for low spots in the road
62. Before changing lanes, you must:
- A. See if it is safe before making the move
B. Have your turn signal onC. Drive faster than other trafficD. All of the above
63. When you are driving in the left of two traffic lanes, and many cars are passing on your right, you should:
A. Pull onto the left shoulder to let the other vehicles pass- B. Move over into the right lane when it is safe
C. Stay in your lane so you will not impede the traffic flow
64. You hear a siren or see flashing lights of an emergency vehicle. You should:
A. Quickly pull to the left and stop if it is safe- B. Quickly pull to the right and stop if it is safe
C. Proceed slowly, and move if the emergency vehicle needs more roomD. Stop immediately where you are
65. This sign means:

- A. The right lane ends ahead- merge left
B. If you continue, you must exit
66. Driving slower than other traffic tends to:
- A. Make an accident more likely to happen
B. Make an accident less likely to happenC. Not change the chances of having an accident
67. What should you do if an oncoming car at night approaches you with its high-beams on?
A. Flash your high-beams quickly at the other driver- B. Look toward the right edge of your lane
C. Slow down and look straight ahead
68. Nevada law mandates all drivers to carry which type of insurance?
- A. Liability
B. ComprehensiveC. CollisionD. Medical
69. Should you drive slower than other traffic that is traveling within the speed limit?
A. Yes. It makes the other traffic drive slower too- B. No. You can block traffic when you drive too slow
C. Yes. It is safer than driving too fast
70. Especially after a hot or dry spell, the roads will be most slippery during a rainstorm:
A. After the rain stops- B. During the first minutes of rainfall
C. One hour after the rain startsD. After it has been raining for several hours
Ready to Hit the Road?
Passing your driver’s ed test is an important step toward becoming a licensed driver in Nevada. However, even the most cautious drivers can face unexpected situations on the road. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, it’s crucial to have experienced legal representation to protect your rights. Visit our Las Vegas car accident lawyers page to learn how we can help you navigate the aftermath of an accident and secure the compensation you deserve.